What is Blasphemy Against the Holy Spirit?

Welcome to another of our popular Open Forums – an opportunity for you to help make the program, and also to “Visit the Pastor’s Study” by your text or e mailed questions. You can e mail your questions at any time to: visitpastorbill@gmail.com, or you can text your questions at any time to (516) 367-0391. We’ll let you know when we’ll deal with your questions on a future Open Forum.

Today, I once again have the help of a fellow pastor, Richard Gerber, pastor of Harvest Orthdox Presbyterian Church in East Haddam, CT. He’s going to help me as we answer a further question from a listener in the Midwest: What is blasphemy against the Holy Spirit”…

Here’s the link to the full program:

Yours in the God of all comfort and the giver of all grace,
Pastor Bill