Welcome to another of our popular Open Forums – an opportunity for you to help make the program, and also to “Visit the Pastor’s Study” by your text or e mailed questions. You can e mail your questions at any time to: visitpastorbill@gmail.com, or you can text your questions at any time to (516) 367-0391. We’ll let you know when we’ll deal with your questions on a future Open Forum.

Today, we’re taking a full session in the Pastor’s Study just to being answering one heavy duty question. I have the help of another pastor – Richard Gerber, pastor of Harvest OPC in East Haddam, CT.  Pastor Gerber has had 46 years of experience as a pastor. We’re going to work together to help a believer in Christ who is deeply troubled. He’s a listener from the Midwest.

“I accepted Jesus Christ as my Savior at age 17…I lost my virginity to an older woman, then, later on, got married in my middle 30s. She died 6 years ago. Got online dating and was taken for $8,000.00. Got into pornography. Can’t seem to kick it. My question is this: Hebrews 6:4-6. Am I lost without
redemption according to this in the Bible? Second question: When does God blot you out of the Book of Life? And when does blasphemy against the Holy Spirit occur? “

Here’s the link to the full program:

Yours in the God of amazing grace,
Pastor Bill